Play Lab: Wand Circuits
Explore how circuits work and use popsicle sticks and LED lights to create a functioning wand circuit.
Hours: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. | Fri. & Sat. till 8 p.m.
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Explore how circuits work and use popsicle sticks and LED lights to create a functioning wand circuit.
Wegmans Super Kids Market is back and better than ever! Join us for the ribbon cutting on the newly renovated exhibit at 10 a.m. The […]
Explore how circuits work and use popsicle sticks and LED lights to create a functioning wand circuit.
Explore how circuits work and use popsicle sticks and LED lights to create a functioning wand circuit.
Explore how circuits work and use popsicle sticks and LED lights to create a functioning wand circuit.
Explore how circuits work and use popsicle sticks and LED lights to create a functioning wand circuit.
Explore how circuits work and how they are used in toys to make them work.
Explore how circuits work and how they are used in toys to make them work.
Explore how circuits work and how they are used in toys to make them work.
Explore how circuits work and how they are used in toys to make them work.
Explore how circuits work and how they are used in toys to make them work.
Explore how circuits work and how they are used in toys to make them work.
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Visit a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play.